
It would be hard to imagine our world without emojis - not only in mobile communication or social networks, but also in films, series, fashion and lifestyle industry. PEZMojis have been one of our classics for several years now.

20% Discount
PEZ Dispenser Poop (PEZMoji)
 2.69  2.15  8.44 / 100g inkl. 19% Mwst.
20% Discount
PEZ Dispenser Smirk (PEZMoji)
 2.69  2.15  8.44 / 100g inkl. 19% Mwst.
20% Discount
PEZ Dispenser Rainbow (PEZMoji)
 2.69  2.15  8.44 / 100g inkl. 19% Mwst.
20% Discount
PEZ Dispenser Heart (PEZMoji)
 2.69  2.15  8.44 / 100g inkl. 19% Mwst.
20% Discount
PEZ Dispenser Party (PEZMoji)
 2.69  2.15  8.44 / 100g inkl. 19% Mwst.